I'm just a dude who enjoys making the web better.
But seriously; I'm a frontend developer. I love building interfaces and web applications which delight the user. I grew up building websites and it's my biggest passion.
I'm currently living in Hong Kong and learning the magic of reactive, data-driven user interfaces. I'm interested in using VueJS and have 10+ years industry experience of designing and developing websites in html, css, sass, js and jQuery.
I love automation and figuring out how things work and how to improve my workflow. I've created a few node modules to be using in Gulp and PostCSS as part of the frontend build flow to achieve better user-experience and make the developer's job easier.
I have experience in developing both media-rich, campaign-driven, marketing websites and huge ecommerce platforms. As well as form-based transactional web applications.
If you ever want to chat about some of my opensource GitHub stuff, or potential work opportunities, please email me!